Bourke to Brewarrina Demonstration Reach

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A demonstration reach is designed to showcase multiple techniques to restore habitat and encourage native fish back into the waterways. In 2007, a demonstration reach was established along 207 km of the Barwon-Darling River between Brewarrina and Bourke. The project involved undertaking on-ground works to protect and rehabilitate habitat and manage threats to aquatic species, and engaging with the local community. Since 2007, works that have been achieved include: Re-snagging (439 snags introduced at 11 sites), Riparian revegetation (over 8,500 native trees planted), Management of riparian access (60 kilometres of river frontage managed for livestock access), Riparian fencing (5 kilometres of fencing along the reach), Off-stream stock watering points (9 points installed), Gully erosion works (3 eroding gullies restored), Weed management (100 kilometres of perennial weed control completed), Installation of a fishway on Brewarrina Weir.

Organisation Western Catchment Management Authority, NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries)

Anthony Townsend Ph: (02) 6763 1440, email: [email protected]

Funding Body Murray-Darling Basin Authority The Living Murray program