Fish Friendly Farms

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Fish Friendly Farms (FFF) is a NSW DPI program designed to improve landholders' understanding of the benefits of healthy aquatic habitat. Staff provide advice on sustainable management options to enhance riverine health, improve native fish numbers and increase farm productivity. Landholders in coastal and inland catchments of NSW were invited to express their interest in making their property a Fish Friendly 'Demonstration Farm'. A 'demonstration farm' is one where a variety of on-ground river rehabilitation techniques or management practices that benefit property management, riverine ecosystem health and water quality have been implemented. On-ground works included but were not limited to: river bank rehabilitation (revegetation, fencing, weed control, erosion prevention), fish passage restoration (removal of barriers to fish migration, e.g. road crossings, weirs, and mediation of barriers e.g. fishways, tidal floodgates, new crossings), improving instream habitat (re-snagging, bed and bank stabilisation), wetland management (reintroducing flows, wet pasture management), livestock management around waterways (fencing, off-stream watering points). Stage 1 completed 2011.

Organisation NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries)

Scott Nichols, Ph: (02) 6626 1200, email: [email protected]

Funding Body NSW Environmental Trust