Legislative considerations (Fish Friendly Marine Infrastructure)

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Any works undertaken in a waterway or on the foreshore will require approvals from the relevant authorities. Some activities may also need a Development Application to be lodged with the relevant local Council.


NOTE: A new coastal management framework has been developed by the Department of Planning and Environment, and the Office of Environment and Heritage. This process sees a new Coastal Management SEPP consolidating and improving current coastal-related SEPPs. It will replace SEPP 14 (Coastal Wetlands), SEPP 26 (Littoral Rainforests) and SEPP 71 (Coastal Protection) and ensure that future coastal development is appropriate and sensitive to our coastal environment, and that we maintain public access to beaches and foreshore areas.


Here is a non-exhaustive list of potentially relevant agencies who should be consulted prior to works being undertaken on waterfront land in NSW:


Links to NSW Local Councils websites 


NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries):

Information and activities requiring a permit such as dredging, reclamation or harm to marine vegetation – Information and Part 7 Permit application form.


NSW Department of Primary Industries (Water):

Controlled Activity Approvals are required for works on waterfront land


NSW Department of Industry (Lands) website:

Short term access licence form

Domestic waterfront licence application


NSW Roads and Maritime Services (moorings, navigation and development).


NSW Office of Environment and Heritage – searches for Aboriginal or European heritage items should be conducted prior to works being undertaken so that they are not harmed during the course of construction/modification. Click here for information and searchable heritage databases.


NSW Department of Planning and Environment (State Environmental Planning Policies)


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Organisation NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries)

Scott Nichols ph:(02) 6626 1396 e: [email protected]

Funding Body NSW Environmental Trust