Pig Island saltmarsh and mangrove restoration - 'Cows out of water'

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The intertidal zone surrounding Pig Island in the Shoalhaven River was suffering ecosystem disturbance, habitat loss and biodiversity decline due to cattle access and grazing of native vegetation, in particular riparian and tidal zone mangrove and saltmarsh communities. Effluent and sediment input to Shoalhaven River has been reduced through the construction of 4.69 km of stock management fencing, promoting natural regeneration of mangroves, saltmarsh and riparian vegetation. In some areas, exotic vegetation (0.35 km) was removed and mangroves were planted to assist ecosystem repair. Completed in 2011.

Organisation Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority

Scott Nichols, Ph: (02) 6626 1396, email: [email protected]

Funding Body NSW Habitat Action Grant, in-kind support