Reinstating natural flow - East Micalo Island floodgate

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Micalo Island, in the lower Clarence River, was historically a key breeding area for fish. Micalo Island has since become severely degraded due to land clearing and the construction of drains and levees. To improve connectivity of aquatic habitats between the drain and the main river channel, local farmers, Fred and Chris Welsh, installed a new tidal floodgate at the mouth of the drain and increased the width of a pipe running through the levee bank. The new tidal floodgate and larger pipe have improved fish habitat by: introducing tidal flows and fish passage to over 5 kilometres of waterway, improving water quality and reducing growth of aquatic weeds. More fish species, including mullet, flathead and bream, can now move into the opened habitat. Completed in 2006.

Organisation Private Landholder

Scott Nichols, Ph: (02) 6626 1396, email: [email protected]

Funding Body NSW Habitat Action Grant, in-kind support