Tambourine Bay - enhancement of fish habitat by the rehabilitation of saltmarsh and mangrove communities

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Wararoon Reserve and Hodgson Park form a bushland reserve that runs from River Road West out to Tambourine Bay on the Lane Cove River. The reserve contains very large and diverse saltmarsh areas behind and among mangroves. The saltmarsh, mangrove and surrounding riparian vegetation communities have been invaded by environmental weeds including Privet, Tradescantia and Honeysuckle. Mangroves and saltmarsh areas were rehabilitated through bush regeneration works including 0.1 km of revegetation with indigenous seedlings to create a buffer zone, 1 km of fencing and 1 km of weed management. Completed in 2012.

Organisation Lane Cove Council

Scott Nichols, Ph: (02) 6626 1396, email: [email protected]

Funding Body NSW Habitat Action Grant, in-kind support