Welcoming native fish back to Quirindi Creek

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Habitat for native fish was improved along a 2 km stretch of the Quirindi Creek Travelling Stock Route in the upper reaches of the Namoi River catchment by the local community group the Quirindi Creek Catchment Committee. Weeds such as Willows and Privet were removed and riparian areas were replanted with native plants. Large woody habitat (snags) were also reinstated in the creek to improve instream habitat for the local fish populations and a successful carp muster was held in the area resulting in over 250 kg of carp being removed from the creek and providing the impetus for the Quirindi Fishing Club's decision to continue holding carp musters as annual events. Completed in 2011.

Organisation Quirindi Creek Catchment Committee Inc.

Scott Nichols, Ph: (02) 6626 1396, email: [email protected]

Funding Body NSW Habitat Action Grant, in-kind support