Wellers Lane Causeway fish passage upgrade

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Wellers Crossing, located 3km upstream of the tidal limit of the Wallamba River - a major tributary of Wallis Lake - was the last major barrier on the mainstem Wallamba River following fish passage outcomes achieved at Clarksons and Dargavilles Crossing, two projects that were previously funded by the NSW Recreational Saltwater Trust. Wellers Crossing is a concrete causeway with a single, narrow pipe culvert. The pipe culvert created high water velocities during low-flow conditions that limited fish passage through the causeway. Natural migratory patterns of native fish, such as Australian Bass, along the Wallamba River were reinstated through the construction of a three-celled box culvert crossing opening up 18.2 km of habitat for fish. Completed in 2011.

Organisation Hunter Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority

Scott Nichols, Ph: (02) 6626 1396, email: [email protected]

Funding Body NSW Habitat Action Grant, in-kind support